Down the TBR hole #30

it’s been absolutely ages since I last did one of these. But here I am continuing with it. as a refreshes of how this works, I go to my Goodreads TBR shelf and randomise it and pick out the first 10 books that I’m no longer interested in reading. I did originally go through every single book and decided whether or not I wanted to read it, but that was just taking too long.

Count after previous post: 265

Current count: 257 (it’s amazingly actually gone down!)

Count after this post: 247

Previous post

Winter Dark by Alex Callister

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I just have no desire whatsoever to read this. I don’t even know why it’s on my TBR.

Memoirs of a Geisha by Arthur Golden


This is one of those classics that I say “Oh, one day I’ll read it”. But yeah, I will most likely never read it and I don’t need it cluttering my TBR shelf. 

Freeze Frame by Heidi Ayarbe


Again, I just have no interest in this. It’s been on my shelf since probably like 2015. It ain’t happening folks. 

Gathering Blue by Lois Lowry


I enjoyed The Giver when I read it, but that was in like 2016 or something so… yeah I’m probably never reading this.  

Dark Matter by Blake Crouch

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I’d watch a movie of this. But I don’t think I’m interested enough to read the book. 

Crank by Ellen Hopkins

Again, I’d probably watch it as a film. But honestly it sounds like something that’ll just negatively impact my mental health. So… no. 

The Name of the Star by Maureen Johnson

Paranormal thrillers are not really my thing and this has been on my TBR for 5 years so… it’s not happening. 

Muse of Nightmare by Laini Taylor

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I didn’t love Starnge the Dreamer. it was okay, but eh… I don’t see myself continuing with this. 

Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes by Suzanne Collins

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I tried listening to this on audio and the narration sucked so I stopped and then I heard everyone say that the book in general sucks and yeah, I just lost interest. 

Schindler’s List by Thomas Keneally


I’ve seen the film several times. It’s a great story, but I already know it. 

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