SFF BFFs – Top 5 Wednesday

Top 5 Wednesday is a weekly meme. Check out the Goodreads group for more details. This week’s topic is favourite best friends in science fiction and fantasy, and this is also a Booktube SFF Awards topic.

Friendship is one of my favourite dynamics to read about. I adore good friendships, so I actually struggled to pick just 5, which is why I  have some honourable mentions.

First the honourable mentions

Will and Jem from The Mortal Instruments by Cassandra Clare

I still love them to bits.

The Night Court from A Court of mist and Fury by Sarah J. Maas


Squad goals, really.

Fred and George Weasley from the Harry Potter series by J. K. Rowling


They just had to be mentioned.

And now on to the actual top 5.

5. Artemis and Butler from the Artemis Fowl series by Eoin Colfer


I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, this series is so underrated. I love the relationship of Butler and Artemis, because there’s such a huge age difference between them. Butler is both a father figure and a friend and a cool uncle all in one. There are some other great relationships in this series. Seriously, more people need to read it.

4. Mia Corvere and Mr. Kindly from Nevernight by Jay Kristoff

Mr. Kindly is such a sassy lil shadow demon thing and I love him. I think Mia’s interactions with him are some of my favourites. I also love the relationship of Mr. Kindly and Eclipse in the second book. I’ve reviewed both Nevernight and Godsgrave.

3. Spensa and M-Bot from Skyward by Brandon Sanderson


I’ve always loved robot/AI type characters. I always enjoy reading about the relationships that they form and M-Bot is just a joy. I love how him and Spensa play off one another and learn from one another and come to genuinely care for each other.

2. The Gentlemen Bastards from The Lies of Locke Lamora by Scott Lynch


Their friendship and loyalty is everything. They’re a little fierce band of misfits who will kill for one another. Especially Jean and Locke, but the entire group are just everything.

1. Nona and Kettle from The Book of the Ancestor by Mark Lawrence

All of Nona’s friendships, really. She’s so loyal and values friendship so much. I relate so much with Nona in that way, because I love my friends and I would move mountains for them. She never gives up on her friends, not ever. No matter what. She is loyal to a fault and I love her for it. But I think out of all the friendships, I love Nona and Kettle most. I couldn’t tell you why. I think I just like Kettle more than I like any of the others.

Do I Have That Book Challenge

I saw this tag on YouTube and I thought it was fun, so I’m gonna do it. I will link to the creator’s video.

This tag has 20 questions about what books I own. I feel it works better in video format. But Whatever, I still want to do it.

1. A book with deckled edges

YES. I may have more than one, but the one that comes to mind at the moment is Jesus Freaks by DC Talk.


Couldn’t find a picture where you can see the deckled pages, but it’s got them. I promise.

2. A book with 3 or more people on the cover

YES! A Wrinkle In Time by Madeline L’Engle. Has 3 people on it.


3. A book based on another fictional story

Do I? Do I really? How about The Wrath and the Dawn? Arabian nights retelling. Percy Jackson? Magnus Chase? ACOTAR? Cruel Beauty? Could go on, but you guys get the point. I have A LOT of retellings.


4. A book with a title 10 letters long

I’m gonna say it has to be 1 word, just to make it more difficult. And I’m gonna go with Nevernight by Jay Kristoff.


5. A book with a title that starts and ends with the same letter

The Invention of Hugo Cabret by Brian Selznick. Starts and ends with a T. And just because I know some people are going to be picky about me including the article, here’s another: Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo.

6. A mass market paperback

Yes. All of my Lord of the Rings and one of my copies of The Hobbit.

the hobbit

7. A book by an author using a pen name

Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland by Lewis Caroll. His real name was Charles Dodgson.


8. A book with a character’s name in the title

Looking for Alaska by John Green. Howl’s Moving Castle by Diana Wynne Jones. State of Sorrow by Melinda Salisbury. The main character is named Sorrow. Weird, I know. Marissa Meyer’s books also. Could probably go on, but we’ll stoop here.


9. A book with two maps in it

Probably have loads of these as well, but I’m too lazy to check so we’ll go with Elantris by Brandon Sanderson because I’m currently reading it. And it has not two, but three maps in it. Wait… does that mean it doesn’t fulfill the challenge? Like does it have to be 2, no more no less? If that’s the case, I will go with A Court of Frost and Starlight by Sarah J. Maas.

10. A book that was turned into a TV show

A Game of Thrones by G. R. R. Martin.

game of thrones

11. A book written by someone who was originally famous for something else?

Relativity by Albert Einstein. Cause he was famous for science. So, I’m counting it.


12. A book with a clock on the cover

This is going to take some thinking. Just One damned Thing After Another by Jodi Taylor. That’s kind of a clock. If you don’t like that, I got Clockwork Angel that’s got Big Ben in the background. No one can argue with Big Ben.

13. A poetry book

I have several, but I’ll go with Milk and Honey by Rupi Kaur because I’ve read and loved it.

milk and honey

14. A book with an award stamp on it

Ok, I’m bitter about this question because I have loads of books that have won prizes. But the stickers/stamps annoy me, so I tend to buy editions that don’t have them. I’m going to have to delve deep for this one.

I have The Fifth Season by N. K. Jemisin. It’s not actually a sticker, nor is it a stamp. It’s just printed on the cover. But I’m going with it.

15. A book written by an author with the same initials as you?

I actually don’t. 😥 My initials are RP and I have no books written by an author with the same initials. I do have books written by a PR. But no RP. So I’m gonna give myself half a point for this, cause the right letters, just wrong order and go with The Name of the Wind by Patrick Rothfuss.

name of the wind

16. A book of short stories

The Language of Thorns by Leigh Bardugo.


17. A book between 500 and 510 pages.

Pfft, easy. Skyward by Brandon Sanderson. Exactly 510 pages (just got it in a subscription box yesterday and I SQUEALED!).


18. A book that was turned into a movie

I have like 20. But I’ll go with The Lord of the Rings because that’s my favourite adaptation.

lotr deluxe

19. A graphic novel

Indeed I do. Artemis Fowl: The Graphic Novel. 

artemis fowl graphic

20. A book written by two or more authors

This was a long tag. I do indeed have several books that are co-authored. Including Illuminae by Jay Kristoff and Amie Kaufman


This was fun. I got 19.5 out of 20 points. So… not bad. Let me know what you guys got!


ABC Challenge – A

I saw this over at Thrice Read and since I’ve been having very little time for my blog lately, I thought this would be a fun, short post to do every week.

Basically, for each letter of the alphabet, I will reflect on the most remarkable book I’ve read starting with that letter and mention a book on my TBR starting with that letter that I would like to get to soon.

Most remarkable book

For this, I will go with Artemis Fowl by Eoin Colfer. I will never miss an opportunity to talk about this series because it is so underrated! More people should read it.


Book on my TBR

For this one, I have a tie between The Archived by Victoria Schwab and American Gods by Neil Gaiman. I’ve had my eyes on both for ages and I’ve yet to get to either of them. But I hope to do so very soon.

Mini Reviews – Artemis Fowl Graphic Novels, The Body Reader, Milk and Honey & Invitation to Poetry

The Arctic Incident & The Eternity Code Graphic Novels by Eoin Colfer

Rating: 4.5/5

Genre: Fantasy, middle-grade

Author: Eoin Colfer

I have said many times before that this series is severely underrated and is in fact one of my favourite middle-grade series. So when I found out there were graphic novels, I had to revisit them in this format. And for the most part, I have been loving them. They bring beloved characters to life in a new way and they’re just a delight to go through. I do obviously recommend reading the novels themselves if you’ve not read the series before. They are better and offer more, especially The Arctic Incident. However, I think as a means of revisiting the story, the graphic novels re absolutely fantastic and I’m sad only the first 4 books are out in this format.

The Body Reader by Anne Frasier

Rating: 2.5/5

First published: 2016

Genre: Thriller, crime

Author: Anne Frasier

Synopsis: For three years, Detective Jude Fontaine was kept from the outside world. Held in an underground cell, her only contact was with her sadistic captor, and reading his face was her entire existence. Learning his every line, every movement, and every flicker of thought is what kept her alive.

After her experience with isolation and torture, she is left with a fierce desire for justice—and a heightened ability to interpret the body language of both the living and the dead. Despite colleagues’ doubts about her mental state, she resumes her role at Homicide. Her new partner, Detective Uriah Ashby, doesn’t trust her sanity, and he has a story of his own he’d rather keep hidden. But a killer is on the loose, murdering young women, so the detectives have no choice: they must work together to catch the madman before he strikes again. And no one knows madmen like Jude Fontaine.

This was one of those books that wasn’t bad, but it wasn’t good either. It was just sort of… meh. Like, it was entertaining, I enjoyed it. I listened to it on audio, and I had a good time listening to it. However, it wasn’t memorable. Especially for a thriller. It had pretty much all of the tropes these types of books have: the gifted detective that has Sherlock Holmes-esque skills, the dark mysterious partner with a past he’d rather keep hidden.

I neither liked nor disliked the characters. I thought they were fairly bland, less in the sense that they were written so poorly that they didn’t seem like people and more in the sense that they were pretty much exactly a trope.  The story itself was interesting enough not to be boring, however it was fairly predictable. All in all, not a very memorable book.

Milk and Honey by Rupi Kaur

milk and honeyRating: 5/5 stars

Genre: Poetry

First published: 2014

Author: Rupi Kaur

Poetry is pretty much hit or miss for me. I either really enjoy it, or really don’t. This book was one of those that I absolutely loved. It was beautiful and relatable and it made me cry more than once. I don’t really know how to review a poetry book. What do you talk about? Besides whether or not you enjoyed it? All I can say is that I absolutely recommend this to anyone.

Invitation to Poetry by Mihai Brinas

Rating: 1.5/5 stars

Genre: Poetry

First published: 2017

Author: Mihai Brinas

***I was offered an e-copy of this book in exchange for an honest review***


To highlight what I was saying about poetry being very hit or miss for me, I did not like this book at all. Part of it may be because English is not the author’s first language, as I understand it, and the writing just feels awkward and forced. But mostly, it’s because I got nothing from these poems. I couldn’t relate to them, I didn’t understand what was being conveyed. In fact, with a lot of the poems, I got the impression they weren’t trying to say anything beyond… words. If you know what I mean.



Judging Book Covers #2

As before, I went to my goodreads read shelf and randomised it. And as before, I will split the rating between aesthetic and relevance to the story, with a maximum of 2.5 points in each category.

A Clash of Kings by G. R. R. Martin

clash of kings

I like this cover. It’s simple, yet effective. I like the colours as well. I would say 2 points for aesthetic. The crown there gives a nice medieval feel to it. You know picking this up, it’ll be a medieval setting. So 2 points for relevance with a total of 4/5.

Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo

Six of Crows

I love this cover. I have a thing about covers with crows or ravens on them. And it’s just so pretty! 2.5 for aesthetic. As for relevance, you can definitely tell this  will be fantasy from just looking at it. You can see a kind of city landscape and the bird’s wing also looks a little bit like the night sky, so it very much suggests night-time shenanigans in an urban setting, which is very much relevant, so 2.5 for relevance as well! 5/5

The Arctic Incident by Eoin Colfer

artemis fowl arctic incident

I like the font of this. The background is simple, so it looks good. 1.5 for aesthetic. You can see the snow, which is relevant, and the sort of metal door behind bunker sort of vibe, which is also relevant. I would say 1.5 for relevance as well, with a total of 3/5.

Eragon by Christopher Paolini


Well… it is essentially a book about a blue dragon, so gotta give it full points for relevance although subtlety and symbolism clearly eluded whoever designed this. I like the blue of it and the font, but I’m not a huge fan of the dragon for some reason. 1.25 for aesthetic; 3.75 total.

Everless by Sara Holland


I really like this cover. Minimalist, but captures the essence of the story excellently. There’s an hourglass, blood, a castle built with it… 2.5 for relevance. I love the font and the simple design, so 2.5 for aesthetic as well. We have another 5/5.

March 2018 Wrap Up

I honestly cannot believe it’s already April. That’s a quarter of the year gone. When did that happen? Anyway, I had a decent reading month in March, not as good as February, but to be fair some of the books I read this month were huge. I read a total of 8 books.

Golden Son by Pierce Brown


I’m getting better about continuing with series! I actually audiobooked this one. The audiobooks for this series are pretty good. I didn’t enjoy it quite as much as I liked the first one. I’m not sure if it’s because I listened to it instead of reading it, or because it just wasn’t as good. But it felt to me a lot more disorganised and all over the place than the first book. I felt for the first quarter of it that the characters were just moving about aimlessly. Anyway, I still enjoyed it. I gave it 4/5 stars.

The Arctic Incident: The Graphic Novel by Eoin Colfer


Again with the continuing of series! I’m proud of myself. Unfortunately, as with Golden Son, I didn’t enjoy this one quite as much as its predecessor. I feel like it worked much better as a novel than it did as a graphic novel, which wasn’t really a problem I had with the first book. 4/5 stars

The Body Reader by Anne Frasier


Another one I listened to on audiobook. I’m not really sure how I came to own this audiobook, but it was in my audible library so… I just gave it a try. I find that thrillers work quite well as audiobooks. I enjoyed this one overall, I did think that the ending was quite predictable and cliche, but it was an entertaining novel nevertheless. 3/5 stars

A Game of Thrones by George R. R. Martin


I watched the series this month and that season 7 finale just left me unable to just leave Westeros, so I decided to re-read the books. It’s been maybe 4 years since I originally read them, so it was high time for a re-read. I audiobooked this one because my copy of it is back at my parents’ house. I’m not the biggest fan of either the UK or the US narration of this series, unfortunately. I like the UK one slightly better just because I like the voice and accent of the narrator better, but he cannot pronounce names to save his life. 4/5 stars because of the narration, though my rating for the story is 5 stars.

The Hazel Wood by Melissa Albert


I had hopes for this book. Sadly, I did not like it much. I thought it was a bit boring, the writing was weird and not in a good way, the story was so… pointless that I just stopped caring about a third through the book and there were some other things that I found problematic and I’ll talk about them more when I review the book. 1.5/5 stars.

Milk and Honey by Rupi Kaur


Poetry tends to be very hit and miss for me, I either don’t get it and it leaves me cold, or I really love it. This I absolutely loved. It made me cry multiple times, it made me feel empowered and beautiful, full of love and compassion. It’s just beautiful and I recommend it wholeheartedly. 5/5 stars.

Invitation to Poetry by Mihai Brinas

I received an e-copy of this from the author in exchange for a review. This is a self-published poetry book by a Romanian author. I normally don’t read a lot of poetry, but I loved Milk and Honey and when I was contacted about this and saw that the poetry seemed to be in the same style, I decided to give it a try. Unfortunately, this really didn’t do it for me for several reasons that I will expand on in my review. I gave it 1.5/5 stars.

The Eternity Code: The Graphic Novel by Eoin COlfer

Unlike the second graphic novel in the series, I really loved this one as much as I loved the novel itself. I’m sad though, cause I think the fourth one is the only graphic novel that is released and I don’t know if there are plans for the others to be released. 5/5 stars

What Is Self Control Book Haul

The Hazel Wood by Melissa Albert | The False Prince by Jennifer A. Nielsen | The Runaway King by Jennifer a. Nielsen | The Broken Throne by Jennifer A Nielsen | The Mark of the Thief by Jennifer A. Nielsen

The Arctic Incident: The Graphic Novel by Eoin Colfer | The Eternity Code: The Graphic Novel by Eoin Colfer | A Clash of Kings by George R. R. Martin | The Crow Girl by Erik Axl Sund | State of Sorrow by Melinda Salisbury

February 2018 Wrap Up

This month, I’ve read 10 books. Which I am well impressed with considering what a year this has been and also that this month is shorter. Admittedly, some of these books are quite short, but still. It’s been a long time since I’ve read this much.

Everless by Sara Holland


Despite all the buzz it’s been receiving I thought this was a pretty meh book. It wasn’t particularly original or well written or interesting. The time magic thing was cool, but other than that… meh. I did really enjoy it though. I was just in the mood for something easy and quick to read. Mindless entertainment. And this book was well written and just interesting enough that it didn’t bore me out of my mind and it provided just that: mindless entertainment. So this was by no means an un-enjoyable experience. It’s not a bad book, it’s just not a great one either. 3/5 stars

The Cruel Prince by Holly Black


Unlike the previous book, this one 100% deserved the hype in my opinion. It was dark, it was atmospheric and seductive in that opulent and surreal fae way, it was cruel and brutal, it was fast paced, the characters were ruthless and interesting… it was basically anything you could possibly want from a dark fae book. I loved it. Read it in one day, cannot wait for the next one. 5/5 stars

The Obelisk Gate & The Stone Sky by N. K. Jemisin

For once, I actually finished a series within 2 months of starting it, which… wow, I’m proud of myself. This series was awesome. I have a full series review, if you want to check that out. I cannot recommend this series enough. If you’re an SFF lover and you haven’t yet picked this series up, just do it. You won’t regret it. 5/5 stars for both books. Also, can I just bring your attention to how beautiful those covers are?

Red Rising by Pierce Brown

red rising

Finally, finally I have read this book. This series has been hyped up and down for as long as I have been part of the online book community and I finally jumped onto the bandwagon. I really liked it. Dystopia is not really my cup of tea anymore these days, but this is a good one. This is worth reading. It was so full of action, it just kept you on your town. You don’t get a break with this book. It’s one thing after another. 4.5/5 stars.

The Thief by Megan Whalen Turner


I was disappointed by this book. I had heard some amazing things about it, but it was pretty boring. Most of it was just… people travelling and having irrelevant conversations and eating. Pretty much 2 thirds of the book is taken up by that. the ending, does make up for it somewhat and sets up for a much more interesting story in future books, but not enough to make this book a good one. I ended up giving it 3/5 stars, although in all honesty, it’s probably more of a 2/5 star book. But I did really enjoy the main character and the ending, so…

This Savage Song & Our Dark Duet by V. E. Schwab

I finished two series in one month? That’s got to be some kind of record for me. As with every Victoria Schwab book that I’ve ever read, I loved these. I just devoured them and I need more in my life even though they hurt me in my soul. This is such a creative and beautiful and heart-wrenching story and I loved it. Victoria Schwab is the best. 5/5 stars for both.

Artemis Fowl: The Graphic Novel by Eoin Colfer


If you’re new here, I love Artemis Fowl. It’s one of my favourite series and I don’t understand why more people aren’t reading it and talking about it. That needs to happen. Because it’s awesome. And I just found out recently that there’s also a graphic novel version of them that was adapted by Eoin Colfer himself, so it’s time for me to re-read Artemis Fowl. I loved it this time around as well and I really enjoyed seeing the things instead of just reading about them. 5/5 stars.

The False Prince by Jennifer A. Nielsen


Another sorely under-appreciated series. This one was another re-read for me and I loved it even more than I did the first time. I don’t know why more people aren’t talking about this, because it’s amazing. It’s funny, it’s clever, it’s full of adventure and mystery and snark and I love it. It deserves more recognition than it’s getting. 5/5 stars

The Intimidating TBR Book Tag

I have no idea who created this, but it’s been going around for a long time. I’m going to be using strictly books that I own and have not read. But since I currently own like 80 of those, it shouldn’t be a problem.

1. A book on your TBR pile you haven’t finished

the batOh boy. I have so many for this. But I’m gonna go with The Bat by Jo Nesbo because it’s been almost a year since I started reading it. It’s not that I dislike it, but it hasn’t hooked me like a thriller ought to and I just never got around to finishing it.

2. A book you just haven’t had the time to read 


I’ll go with The Well of Ascension by Brandon Sanderson for this one. It’s so big and I’m afraid it’ll suck me in like the first one and keep me up until 3 am and I just can’t afford to lose that much sleep at the moment.

3. A book you haven’t read because it’s a sequel 


Spiders by Tom Hoyle. I didn’t realise that this was the second book in the series when I bought (it was an impulse cover buy, tbh) and now I don’t really feel so drawn to the series that I want to buy the first one.

4. A book you haven’t read because it’s brand new


I actually don’t have an answer for this. So I’ll go with a book that I haven’t read because I just acquired it. Artemis Fowl: The Graphic Novel by Eoin Colfer. This book literally entered my possession like 3 hours ago so…

5. A book by and author you read previously but didn’t really like


Any of the Left behind books by Tim LaHaye & Jerry B. Jenkins. I read the first two and about half of the third book and I just didn’t really enjoy them. I own the first like 10 books in the series, but I just don’t feel drawn to them.

6. A book on your TBR pile that your just not in the mood to read


The Miniaturist by Jessie Burton. I’m just not really in the mood for historical fiction.

7. A book on your TBR pile that you haven’t read because it’s enormous


Red Seas Under Red Skies by Scott Lynch. I’ve read about 400 pages of this book and it just seems to be stretching out forever. It’s not really that I don’t like it, but I just don’t feel like reading it. I don’t care very much about the new characters and I don’t know… I just don’t feel like reading the other 200 pages. If it had been shorter, I’d have finished it.

8. A book on your TBR you bought because of the cover


The only one I have for this is Siders by Tom Hoyle. I hate giving repeat answers, but I got nothing else.

9. The book on your TBR you find the most intimidating


The Odyssey by Homer. Because I just know that it’s going to be hard for me to follow, even though I do want to read it.

The Pride and Prejudice Book Tag

I was tagged by Angelica @ The Book Cover Girls to do this. Thank you Angelica! I love P&P. This should be fun.

How it works

  • Link back to Laura and Emma’s original posts so we can see all of your answers! (Just copy and paste these instructions)
  • Thank the person who tagged you
  • Answer the questions
  • Tag a maximum of 10 people

While Mr. Bennet silently reads in the study, and Mrs. Bennet’s tales of woe can be heard from miles away, you spend a lovely afternoon in the garden with your dramatic and doting sisters. What is a favourite novel of yours that features a strong sibling relationship?


Here I’m gonna go with Fred and George Weasley from the Harry Potter series. I just love their relationship.

You and Mary have decided to walk to the bookshop in Meryton to search for the newest releases. Which book or books are you likely to purchase?


I still haven’t got this, for some reason.

Netherfield Park has been let at last, and the owner, a Mr. Charles Bingley, hosts a magnificent ball at his new estate. What fictional ball gown would you wear?

Hmmm… maybe Feyre’s Starfall dress? (image credit)


Or Tessa’s Dress.

It is the Christmas Ball and Maria has asked you to join her at the piano. What music or song would you choose as an accompaniment to your current book?

Well, I just started reading The School for Good and Evil, but I’ve only read one chapter so far, so I don’t really know what song would fit it.

You’re helping Jane to take care of her younger cousins whilst staying with the Gardiners. Which fictional children would you include in your own family?

artemis fowl ARTEMIS FOWL!

It’s a sombre evening at Hunsford Parsonage, and after dinner, Mr. Collins stands by the fireplace and quotes from the Good Book, while the party tries not to yawn too obviously. What is a memorable quote from a novel that has always stuck with you?

There are many. In fact, I have a whole series of posts dedicated to quotes, because I am a quotes aficionado (you can check that out here). But I’ll go with the first line of what is probably my favourite non-fiction.

"No one ever told me that grief felt so like fear."
-C.S. Lewis (A Grief Observed)

You’ve been invited to dine at Rosings Park by none other than the infamous Lady Catherine de Bourgh, but the evening ends in disaster as the pompous Lady insults you and your family. Who’s your favourite fictional villain?

Hmm… this is hard. I tend to love a lot of villains. Sebastain Morgenstern from The Mortal Instruments maybe? Oh… Light from Death Note. Or Johan Liebert from Monster. Also, I’ve recently read Illuminae and I really loved AIDAN.

As Lydia has gone down to Brighton with the Forsters, and Elizabeth is off on her jaunt to Derbyshire with the Gardiners, you also want to go away for a quick break. Which fictional location would be your perfect holiday destination?

Um… not many of the books I read, that’s for sure. People tend to die a lot in those places. I’m gonna go with Le Cirque des Reves from The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern. I feel like from all the places, my life would be least threatened there and it would be so freaking awesome.


You’re running to the fine horse chestnut tree on the green to relive some of your favourite childhood reading memories. What is one that you remember most fondly?

My grandfather used to have this giant collection of stories and fairytales. It was yellow and very old and every time I would go there, he would read to me from it for hours and hours. I know that’s not really me reading, but it’s a very fond memory. And I’ve read the book by myself as well. I’m pretty sure I now have the book at home (I stole it from him muahahah)

You’re on a tour at Pemberley and you come across Mr. Fitzwilliam Darcy emerging from the pond, scandalously clad in only his wet underdrawers and shirt. You can’t help but swoon at the sight. Aside from Mr. Darcy, who is your favourite romantic interest?

Rhysand from ACOTAR, Kaz Brekker from Six of Crows, Will Herondale from The Infernal Devices and more recently, Elend Venture from the Mistborn series. There are others, of course, but these are my top ones.

Rhys credit Kaz credit Elend credit

I tag all P&P lovers to do this!