Books that I associate with autumn things – Original? Book tag?

I know, that title is absolutely genius.

So, here are some of my favourite things about autumn and some books I associate with them.

Scented Candles – Daughter of Smoke and Bone by Laini Taylor

I love scented candles. I love reading and feeling that waft of fragrance from my candle. I love the flickering light. I just love the atmosphere they create. daughter of Smoke and Bone is the book I most associate with them, because the writing is so beautiful, it delights the mind just to read the words, and that complements the way that scented candles delight the senses. It’s also so atmospheric. It takes place in Prague, at least in part and I always associate Prague with flickering candle light. Don’t ask me why, I just feel like that’s the vibe of Prague. Even the cover and the title remind me of blowing out a candle and the smoke you get.

Tea – The Name of the Wind by Patrick Rothfuss

Specifically chai. There’s just something about The Name of the Wind and Patrick Rothfuss’ writing that reminds me of a nice, hot cup of chai tea. The spices in the tea complement the story so well. In my mind, tea (only black tea), is associated with long fantasy stories. And The Name of the Wind is one of the best fantasies I’ve ever read, so I have to pair it with one of my favourite teas. But it’s more than that. It’s hard for me to explain, but Kvothe’s story is like cinnamon and all those autumn spices. It’s kind of… unfurling. I don’t know if that makes any sense to anyone else, but yeah…

Pumpkin Pie – Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone by J. K. Rowling

Specifically this Harry Potter book. For the most part, I associate Harry Potter with winter. But this first book, I associate with pumpkin pie. Even more so the film for some reason. I know most people don’t like the first film because of the bad acting, but it’s my second favourite film (after goblet of Fire). I don’t care about the bad acting. I love the atmosphere of the first two films. Where they actually wear robes and pointy hats it’s all so magical. It’s also a book that I could read over and over again and I love pumpkin pie to the extent that I could eat nothing but pumpkin pie all day.

Piles of colourful leaves – Any Cosmere book by Brandon Sanderson

As a kid, I used to get out of school and go the park and pick up leaves. I would look for really beautiful ones and made little bundles of them. I also loved just making piles and jumping in them. I would look forward to that all day. My birthday is mid October and the weather was often really nice for my birthday. You know those crisp, yet sunny autumn days. Just thinking about it makes me happy. With the leaves and sunlight and scent of the leaves and birds about (especially crows and ravens). Amazing. Sanderson’s Cosmere books are like that. They’re colourful and varied. They have unique worlds and magic systems. Whenever I’m reading one (like now), I’m constantly looking forward to my next reading session. I just want to jump right in. And they’re also vast. Both in page number and in scope and complexity. And I just remember going to the park as a kid and everything would be covered in leaves. Just a colourful carpet.

Cozy blankets/clothing – Middle grade

This is obviously a genre, rather than a specific book. But I just love a nice, fun middle grade. I find them cozy. I love snuggling up with a fluffy throw and a nice middle grade. I actually have a huge middle grade craving right now and I don’t own a lot of middle grades that I haven’t read. So I need to get some asap (if you have any good recs, comment and you will have my gratitude).

These are some of my favourite autumn things and the books I associate with them. Feel free to do this yourself you you’re so incline and ping me so I can see your post. Or just leave it in the comments, I’d love to know. Just writing this post made me happy, so I’d love to read more of them.

#NotAll Book Tag

As per usual, I stole this tag from Thrice Read.


I’ll have to go with Caitlynn’s answer and say Throne of Glass. I mean there’s no comparison.


Probably bad boy with a tragic past and a soft chewy centre. Don’e ask why, I just eat that shit up like nothing else. *coughs* Herondales *coughs*


daughter of smoke and bone

Hmmm… this is a pretty tough one. I really don’t like insta love. But I guess my answer is also Caitlynn’s answer. Because I liked Karou and Akiva and while I guess you could say their relationship is insta love-y… it makes sense once you read the second book.



Will-Jem-Tessa. The only love triangle I’ve ever read that I genuinely loved.


Hmm… I’m gonna go with Mrs. Weasley.


I mean… I love a lot of villains. Sebastian from TMI, Viktor from Vicious (I know he’s kind of the protagonist of that book, but really everyone’s a villain in that one), Severus Snape (more of an anti-hero, I suppose, but still), Cardan from The Cruel Prince (I just finished that book and honestly I don’t know what to do with myself). Though I don’t really think he was the villain of that story. They’re kind of all villains. AIDAN from Illuminae; The Darkling from The Grisha books… I could go on. I love me some villains.


Harry Potter.



There are quite a few, but I’m going to go with the most recent. The Cruel Prince by Holly Black. I LOVED this so much I want the next one NOW.



Fantasy. And really there are plenty. Most recently read, Everless by Sara Holland. I enjoyed it because I was just in the mood for mindless entertainment, but it wasn’t very good.

Then we’ve got my two most hated fantasies ever: Caraval by Stephanie Garber and Stealing Snow by Danielle Paige. We all know how I feel about these books. If you don’t, then click on the titles and you’ll find out.

snow like ashes

Snow Like Ashes by Sara Rasch. I didn’t hate this one, but it was just meh.


Adult contemporary romance. And for this, I have two of them:

Neanderthal Seeks Human by Penny Reid, which I liked so much I read it twice. And Tangled by Emma Chase which I also really enjoyed.


Best Book Titles

Ever see a book title and it’s so great that you don’t even care what that book is about, you know you want to read it? No? Really? Well, I do. Here are some of my favourite book titles.

The Slow Regard of Silent Things by Patrick Rothfuss


When I first heard this title, I knew I wanted to read this. I had no idea what it was about and I didn’t care. It’s just such an amazing title. And then I looked it up and realised it’s a novella in a series of books with amazing titles (which also happen to be really amazing books, but that’s not the point). I mean The Name of the Wind and The Wise Man’s Fear. So… poetic and mysterious and cool. I love the titles of this series.

Grief is the Thing With Feathers by Max Porter

I don’t really know what this book is about. But just check that tile out. I makes me want to read this book. Combine that with the cool raven on the cover (I love ravens) and I’m sold.

Daughter of Smoke and Bone by Laini Taylor

daughter of smoke and bone

This whole series has really cool titles, but this one is my favourite. You may have noticed I like long, vague and slightly pretentious titles. They just really appeal to me and Daughter of Smoke and Bone is another example of a book that I was drawn to because of its title and gorgeous cover. I ended up really loving it.

Red as Blood and White as Bone by Theodora Goss

I have absolutely no clue what this book is about. I added it to my TBR because it has a freaking awesome title and really creepy cover that just makes me really want to read it. And I kind of want to go into it without knowing anything about it.

And I Darken by Kiersten White

I really like that the title starts with “and”. I don’t know why that appeals to me, but I really like titles that begin with “and”. I’ve yet to read this, but I’ve heard so many good things about it and it has a really cool premise.

The Knife of Never Letting Go by Patrick Ness

Again, a long, vague, slightly pretentious title that really appeals to me. I want to read this book mainly because of its title. It’s just something about titles like this that I really love. I think it’s because they make so much more sense once you’ve read the book and that adds to the experience for me, as opposed to a title that’s really straightforward.

These are a few of my favourite titles. Let’s just call this part one, because there are so many more and I’m sure in time I will come across even more titles that I just love.

Top Ten Books With Covers That Don’t Reflect the Inside

Top Ten Books With Covers That Don’t Reflect the Inside

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish. This week’s topic is book covers. I’ve chosen to tell you about 10 books that have covers that are simply discordant to their content. Whether the cover is beautiful and the book isn’t, or the other way around, or the cover simply has nothing to do with the book.

Caraval by Stephanie Garber

This book is gorgeous. Both the UK and the US editions are just so beautiful, I can’t even! But the actual story is absolute shit. I hated it so much, but it’s so beautiful that I’m never going to get rid of it. I have both a spoiler free review and a rant review of this, if you would like to know more about it.

Red Queen series by Victoria Aveyard

Another one where the covers are beautiful, but the books are just not. Well, the first book was okay. I absolutely hated the second one. I obviously haven’t read the third one because I’m not subjecting myself to another book of rage and frustration, but yeah… I hated Glass Sword. You can check out my review of it if you are interested in knowing more.

The Sin Eater’s Daughter series by Melinda Salisbury

This series has such cool covers! And it’s so… boring. I’ve only read the first book, but it was so boring that I cannot imagine what happens in two more of them. I am telling you, this was a 250 page book of nothing happening.

The US Editions of the Daughter of Smoke and Bone Series by Laini Taylor

These covers don’t do the series justice. The UK covers are stunning, but I would not be interested in these books at all based on these covers. They’re kind of ugly. And they really don’t have anything to do with the plot. What close ups of girls wearing masks or makeup has to do with this? I don’t know. This series is so beautiful and the writing is magical and these covers just don’t reflect that.

Poison Study series by Maria V. Snyder

I know there are some other editions of the books, but these covers make no sense to me. To me, this looks like some period romance/court intrigue series. It’s not. These covers just do not reflect the content of the books at all, in my opinion. Based on these covers, I would never buy these books. They’re not necessarily ugly covers, but they speak to me of a genre that I’m usually not very interested in.

The Artemis Fowl series by Eoin Colfer

I don’t think this series has an entire set of matching covers. There are like 5 different cover editions at least and none of them are complete as far as I could tell. It’s so annoying. And what’s even worse is that all those editions are just varying shades of bad. The one in the picture is the edition I hate the most. It’s just so… bad. It does not do the series justice. The series is awesome! I want them re-released in a nice edition where they all match. Is that too much to ask?

The Diabolic by S. J. Kincaid

the diabolic

It’s a really nice cover… I just don’t understand what a butterfly has to do with anything. I suppose the two halves of the butterfly could represent Sidonia and Nemesis, one soft and one sharp and serrated. But… why butterflies? They did that for Replica by Lauren Oliver as well. It’s like they have no idea what to put on the cover, so they just slap a butterfly on it and call it a day.

The Twilight series by Stephanie Meyer

Again, very aesthetic covers, just… what do they have to do with the books? I suppose the theme of black, white and red does capture the vampire-y, but why an apple, a petal, a ribbon and whatever else? Could have been some objects that reflect the story somehow? I mean, I like these covers. And they’re so iconic by now, that everyone would recognise them. But I just wonder what the thought process was when first printing this. “Hmm… so this is a book about vampires. It’s called Twilight… let’s put an apple on the cover.”

The US editions of the Mistborn series by Brandon Sanderson

Both the US hardback and the US paperback editions are just hideous. This looks like some shitty comic-book covers. They’re so, so ugly and this series does not deserve such ugly covers. Thankfully, the UK editions are really cool. I’ve only read The Final Empire so far, but it was so amazing, I can’t wait to read the rest of them. I have both a spoiler-free review of it and a rave review if you are interested to know more of my thoughts.

The US covers of the Kingkiller Chronicle by Patrick Rothfuss

These aren’t horrible, but they certainly don’t do the books justice. The UK covers are much better and I feel also capture the essence of the series much better. I absolutely adore these books, it’s one of my favourite series. I have reviews of both The Name of the Wind  and of The Wise Man’s Fear, if you are interested.

The Beauty and the Beast Book Tag

So, I got my hands on a little bit of free time and I went on a blogging binge and scheduled a bunch of posts (you may have noticed I’ve posted every day for the past few days!). As I was scrolling through my feed, I saw the girls @ Thrice Read do this tag and since I love Beauty and the Beast and I love tags, this seemed like a match made in heaven.


Probably the whole “bad boy with a tortured past and kind of a chewy centre” trope. I know it’s everywhere and it annoys some people, but I have a soft spot for it and I’m not even sorry. Also, just high fantasy settings. I never get tired of reading about the worlds people make up.


daughter of smoke and bone

Daughter of Smoke and Bone by Laini Taylor. Look at that gorgeous cover. I honestly knew nothing about this book. I just bought it because it was a hardcover and was really beautiful and cheap. But I ended up loving it so much.


neanderthal seeks human

I have to go with Neanderthal Seeks Human by Penny Reid for this one. I got it as a free kindle. I really wasn’t expecting much from it, but I actually really loved it. I have a review of it by the way, if you’d like to read more about it.



Glass Sword by Victoria Aveyard. I wouldn’t say that everyone loves it, as I have seen several reviews that pretty much agreed with me. But it does seem to be generally liked and I really hated it. I also have a review of it if you’d like to know why. I have to admit thought, the cover is really gorgeous. A pile of rubbish wrapped in a pretty package. Kind of like Gaston.



Lucien from ACOTAR (where the counterpart is Tamlin). Even before Tamlin lost his marbles, I loved Lucien more. (Image credit)



The Bible. That’s what I always go to when I’m going through a difficult time and I always find comforting words of wisdom in it.



The Mortal Instruments by Cassandra Clare. When I started reading CoB for the first time, I got through a couple of chapters and then gave up. It was only years later that I picked it up again (quite by accident). I had forgotten that I’d started it before and I was confused as to why it seemed so familiar. Anyway, the second time around I finished it and then I got really into the series.


Can I have a really… REALLY big dinner table? Because I really want to have dinner with so many characters. I want Rhys and the Night Court and I want Will Herondale and I want Kaz Brekker and ALL of his gang. ALL OF IT *sobs uncontrollably* and I want the entire Fellowship of the Ring and Hermione and Aelin and all of her court and Manon… well I kind of want the whole cast of ToG and… well, do you know any good catering services? And a really big venue? Preferably with access to an orchard or something. I feel like some of these characters might butt heads.

Top 10 Tuesday – 10 Books With Settings I’d Love to Visit

Top 10 Tuesday – 10 Books With Settings I’d Love to Visit

You may have noticed that I haven’t been very active this past week. That’s because I was on vacation and I forgot my laptop at home. I just got back home and I thought this would be a great post to get me back into blogging.

Top 10 Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish. This week’s topic is: Top Ten Books With X Setting (top ten books set near the beach, top ten book set in boarding school, top ten books set in England, etc). As with my previous top 10 post regarding locations, I will limit myself to books set in places I could realistically visit. Because I read way too much fantasy. Anyway, here it is.

1. Daughter of Smoke and Bone by Laini Taylor

This is fantasy, but part of the action takes place in Prague and I would really love to visit Prague. That is at the top of my “to-visit” list.

2. Heidi by Johanna Spiri

I read this when I was a kid. It takes place in Switzerland, namely in the Swiss mountains and I would really love to visit them.

3. The Darkest Minds by Alexandra Bracken

This takes place in the US. Now, I’ve read a lot of books that take place in the US, but The Darkest Minds has this road trip thing going on and takes place in quite a lot of places in the US, so I chose it because I would love to visit a lot of places in the US.

4. Soundless by Richelle Mead

I did not particularly like this book, but I do want to visit China. Soundless takes place somewhere in the Chinese mountains and I would really love to visit especially the rural areas of China.

5. The Hundred Year Old Man Who Climbed Out of the Window and Disappeared by Jonas Jonasson

This book takes place all over the world. The main character is Swedish, but he goes to so many places from Spain, to the US, to China, to Russia, to Iran, to Indonesia, to name a few and I would love to visit all of those places.

6. The Arabian Nights

I’ve always loved the story of Shahrazad and while I have not read all of the stories, I love the oriental setting and I would like to visit the Middle East.

7. The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas

One of my favourite classics, takes place mostly in France, but also in Italy and in more Oriental places. All places I would love visiting.

8. Around the World in 80 Days by Jules Verne

As the title suggests, this one takes place all around the world. And I would love to undertake a journey similar to Fogg’s.

9. The Inca’s Legacy by Karl May

This is a book I’ve unsuccessfully tried to read at least 5 times. However, It takes place in South America (I think the Andes, as far as I read) and I would love to visit South America in general and the Andes in particular.

10. Death Note by Tsugumi Ohba

I kept trying to think of a book that I read that took place in Japan, but I don’t think I’ve read any. So yeah, Death Note takes place in Japan. It’s a manga which I have not read, but I’ve seen the anime. So yeah, that counts, because I would really like to visit Japan.


Top 10 Tuesday – Books That Made Me Want to Do or Learn Something

Top 10 Tuesday – Books That Made Me Want to Do or Learn Something

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish. This week’s topic is books that have made you want to learn or do something.

1. The Lord of the Rings by J.R.R. Tolkien

lord_of_the_rings_book_cover_by_mrstingyjr-d5vwgctThis one seems to crop up in almost every list or tag I do. It’s because I grew up with it and it’s inspired a lot of my likes and passions. One of the things that it has made me want to do and that I have accomplished to some degree is to become a really good archer, like Legolas. I still have a little work to do before I reach his skill, but I’m a pretty good archer.

2. The Infernal Devices by Cassandra Clare

inferanalAnother one that I use often for my replies, but it’s one of my favourite series. And it has inspired, or perhaps rekindled a passion for the classics and for learning quotes because Will Herondale. These are things I’ve always loved, but I had neglected for a long time before reading the series.

3. Throne of Glass by Sarah J. Maas

throne_of_glass_ukThis book has inspired me to start writing. I had had a story in my mind for years and years and I never really felt like writing it until I read Throne of Glass. After dashing through the series in a few days, I had a huge book hangover and I could not find anything that would take the edge off. And then I remembered the story that had been in my brain for so long and I realized that my main character was close to Celaena’s badassness so I wrote myself 50,000 words of ToG hangover cure in a few weeks.

4. The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes by Arthur Conan Doyle

the-complete-sherlock-holmes-sherlock-holmes-booksI’ve always been a huge Sherlock Holmes fan and I was really inspired by the books and the films and also the BBC show – basically every encounter I had with the character of Sherlock Holmes has inspired me to be aware of my surroundings, to pay attention, to observe. There have been times when I would do it obsessively, but even just in general, I have always worked to be a good observer and I owe that to Sherlock Holmes.

5. Daughter of Smoke and Bone by Laini Taylor

ukdsbhcThis book has made me want to visit Prague. I mean, I’ve always wanted to see as many places as I could and I’ve always thought Prague would be a great city to visit, but after reading this, I REALLY want to go.

6. The Schwarzschild Radius by Gustavo Florentin

22828394It’s a bit weird, because this has literally nothing to do with the book, but I just really wanted to know what the Schwarzschild radius is, so this book was the reason I spent hours reading about black holes and spheres and radii.

7. The Mortal Instruments by Cassandra Clare

immortalinstruments6booksThis series has made me want to brush up on my Latin. Because Jace could ‘speak’ it and I remembered that I really liked Latin in school. This series has also made me want to learn how to use throwing knives and start martial arts again. It’s pretty obvious why, I should think.

8. The Hundred Year Old Man Who Climbed Out of the Window and Disappeared by Jonas Jonasson

13486632I’ve had an itch for looking up things about World War II and just the general global political occurrences of the 20th century ever since I started reading this book.

9. Bitterblue by Kristin Cashore

13188729I’ve always loved ciphers and logic puzzles. Reading Bitterblue sort of rekindled that love and made me want to learn more about ciphers, become better at decrypting them and just generally improving my logical thinking skills.

10. Neanderthal Seeks Human by Patty Reid

17673307It’ll probably sound ridiculous, but I’ve really wanted to know what makes stain-resistant carpets stain-resistant ever since reading this book. I was a little bit upset that the question was posed, but never answered in the book, so I had to look into it myself (something known as Triexta – a corn-derived polymer – is as far as I could tell the best stain-resistant carpet fiber out there).

Top 10 Tuesday -Ten books that take place outside the US

Top 10 Tuesday -Ten books that take place outside the US

Top 10 Tuesday is a weekly meme created by The Broke and the Bookish. This week’s topic is Books that take place outside the US. If you want to see my answers to last week’s topic, click here.

I read a lot of high-fantasy so nearly every book I read happens somewhere other than the US. But for this post, I will limit myself to books that actually happen in this world, just not in the US.

1. The Infernal Devices series by Cassandra Clare

inferanalThis takes place in London and occasionally other parts of the UK. It’s also one of my favourite series ever.



2. The Artemis Fowl Series by Eoin Colfer

artemis_fowl_first_edition_coverThis is an amazing series that is severely underrated in my opinion. It takes place pretty much all over the world, but the main character is Irish, so every book  takes place in Ireland at least some of the time. But really, there’s a lot of travelling involved in the series and it takes place everywhere from the Arctic Circle to the bottom of the ocean, it’s awesome!


3. The Book Thief by Markus Zusak

f763e993641761bb9a97f3f18bf6824eThis one takes place in Nazi Germany. It’s an amazing, powerful book that I recommend to everyone and anyone. Even people who aren’t avid readers should read this one in my opinion, because it’s just so beautiful and powerful. You can read my review of it here.



4. The Nightingale by Kristin Hannah

51d2bgdqhrkl-_sx328_bo1204203200_Another World War II book, this one set in France. Not as poetic as The Book Thief, but this is another book that I recommend to everyone and anyone. It was beautiful and I loved it so much. It had such a big impact. You can see my review of it here.



5. Me Before You by Jojo Moyes

me-before-you-book-coverI love this book so much. It broke my heart. Maybe broke me a little too. It takes place in the UK and there is some travelling involved to some exotic beaches. Definitely reccomend it, especially if you like contemporary. But really, if you’re a human being with a heart (even if it’s Grinch-sized like mine), this book will probably going to move you. Read my review of it here.


6. The Daughter of Smoke and Bone Series by Laini Taylor

ukdsbhcMoving on from books that make you cry, this is a beautifully written fantasy series that takes place in Prague. Some of the time. Also in some other places of the world and sometimes in another world altogether. But it’s really beautiful and the setting always feels so magical. Lovers of fantasy will probably enjoy this very much.



6. Just One Damned Thing After Another by Jodi Taylor

25876872-_uy200_This is a really funny book that takes place in the UK and in the past and in some other places (like a jungle full of dinosaurs). I really loved it, it was so funny, but it was also dark. It’s an adult series, I think. Or NA at the very least. I’ve only read this book in the series, but I do intend to read the rest of it eventually, because it was great.



7. The Hundred Year Old Man Who Climbed Out of the Window and Disappeared by Jonas Jonasson

13486632This is a dark humor book that takes place in Sweden and around the world, everywhere from China, to Iran to Spain. If you enjoy Nordic humor, you’re going to enjoy this. I’m about halfway through it at the moment and I’m really enjoying it.



8. The Lunar Chronicles Series by Marissa Meyer

2016-07-01-23-57-27.jpgThis takes lace in the future, in a place called New Beijing. I’m assuming New Beijing is geographically related to the old Beijing, so it takes place in China. At least the first book does. The other ones, I’m not sure exactly because I haven’t read them yet, but I think some might even happen on the Moon.


9. A Darker Shade of Magic by V. E. Schwab

23403402-_uy200_This one happens in London. Sometimes, it’s even our London. I really, really love this series. It’s one of my newest finds and I am a little bit obsessed with it at the moment. I wish I could get the third one already. But yeah, definitely not the US. The US doesn’t even exist in most of the worlds this takes place in. You can read my review of it here and also my review of its sequel here.

10. The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas

7126Finally, I thought I’d finish off with a classic. This is one of my favourite classics and it takes place in France and Italy and sometimes more exotic places, and obviously, Monte Cristo. It’s a story about revenge and love and badassery.

The Birthstone Book Tag

The Birthstone Book Tag

I saw this a while ago on booktube and recently I saw ChicNerdReads do it and I loved it both times, so I’m going to do it as well.

So basically, each question is inspired by one of the birthstones for each month.

January (Garnet): Associated with warding off negative forces and dark energies – Name a book with the darkest/evilest character you can think of

22828394chasthkwgaaloxdSo many good candidates for this one. I’m tempted to go with Ramsay Bolton from A Song of Ice and Fire by G. R. R. Martin. Such a sadistic psycho. But another one on the same level with him is the guy from The Schwarzschild Radius by Gustavo Florentin. That book freaked me out. You can check out my review of it here.

February (Amethyst): Purple is associated with royalty – Name a book with regal qualities. You can base this off the characters or choose the king of all books

kralica_na_senkite_hrmQueen of Shadows by Sarah J. Maas. Because there are so many regal characters in that series and in this book in particular, Aelin really was a queen.

March (Aquamarine): Washed out – Name a “wishy-washy” character, a character who is not strong or a follower

2128918Peter Pettigrew from the Harry Potter series by J. K. Rowling. He was definitely a follower and quite the coward.

April (Diamond): A Diamond in the rough – Name a book that you loved but is not well known

artemis_fowl_first_edition_coverThe Artemis Fowl series by Eoin Colfer. I wouldn’t say it’s not well known, because I know it has quite a following, but I haven’t seen anyone talk about it on booktube or or book blogs and I just wish there was more hype for it because I adored it!

May (Emerald): Said to balance energy – Name two characters that balance each other well

ksdw_fdz5de6e747856c5ef94bff1a01ea495155Jace And Alec from The Mortal Instruments by Cassandra Clare. Jace is reckless and bold and cocky, while Alec is cautious and subdued. They balance each other very well, Jace bringing Alec out of his comfort zone a bit and Alec tempering Jace’s recklessness.

June (Pearl): Associated with loyalty – Name a character that is loyal to the end

f3e44aa13286353ed8cb7955cb3db7a7There are a lot of loyal characters, but I think I have to give this one to Ron Weasley from the Harry Potter series by J.K. Rowling. I don’t imagine Harry was easy to have as a friend, and yet Ron stuck with him throughout, despite the difficulties that they faced both within their friendship and from outside. I always think of him when someone says ‘loyalty’.

July (Ruby): Blood red – Name a book that made your blood boil, one that made you angry

acomaf-cover-3A Court of Mist and Fury by Sarah J. Maas. Don’t get me wrong, I LOVE this book! But at the end when that thing happens and that someone does that one thing, before the awesome thing that happens right at the end. I was so angry. I remember I was outside reading and I started yelling at the book and stomping my feet. Thankfully, it was late evening, so no one was around to witness my hysteria.

August (Peridot): Pale green (it pales in comparison to other gems) – name a supporting character who you liked better than the main character

117541_600I think I could make a list. But I’m going to go with Cinna from The Hunger Games trilogy by Suzanne Collins. Just because I think he’s my favourite character in the series and he wasn’t even in the books that much. Most of the supporting characters I like better than the main ones (which would be such a long list) are present throughout all or most of the book.series. But Cinna wasn’t and I still adore him.

September (Sapphire): Blue like the ocean which is calming – Name a book that had a calming effect on you

148891The Bible. That’s what I read when I’m anxious or scared or sad or angry and it always makes me feel better. I always find a verse that inspires or strengthens or calms me.

October (Opal – my month!): Iridescence – Name a book that is iridescent, this can be a book with a beautiful cover (shiny? lots of colour?) or you can base it off a character (quirky? colourful?)

ukdsbhcDaughter of Smoke and Bone by Laini Taylor. This book is iridescent from every point of view. The cover is gorgeous and it shimmers when it catches the light as certain angels. At least the version that I have. There are plenty of colourful characters, both literally and figuratively (Karou’s blue hair? Brimstone and the other monsters?). And on top of that, the writing itself is iridescent. Honestly, if I had to attribute a colour-related adjective to the writing it would be iridescent. So many shades, so mesmerizing!

November (Topaz): Associated with resilience – Name a book with a character that rises to the top in a time of adversity

the-ascendance-trilogy-the-false-prince-35473004-935-475This is like every YA book ever. But I’m going to go with a book series that I haven’t seen much of around the booktube/book blog community. The Ascendance Trilogy by Jennifer A. Nielsen. I really loved this series and Sage is nothing if not resilient.

December (Blue Zircon): Associated with friendship – Name a book with a friendship you want to be a part of

clockwork-angelThe Infernal Devices by Cassandra Clare. Will and Jem’s friendship is my favourite friendship that I’ve come across in literature, I think. It’s just beautiful. And I don’t know that I would want to be part of their friendship (I feel I would ruin it), I would love to just be around them and watch it.

I tag everyone to do this because I think this is such an awesome tag and I want to read more replies to it. So if you want to do it, please go ahead and comment a link to it so I can read it!

Un-finished Series Part One

Un-finished Series Part One

I have a serious issue with starting series and then not finishing them and just starting other series instead. It’s a problem. I have so many first books in a series or first two books and I want to finish them. I want the closure, I want to know how the stories end. I just need to pull myself together. So, this post (which will probably become a series of posts) is more for my benefit than anything else. So, here are the series that I have started, would like to continue with, but I just haven’t for whatever reason.

This is going to be a VERY long post.

The Darkest Minds by Alexandra Bracken

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Still have to read: In the Afterlight + novellas

Descendants by Melissa de la Cruz

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Okay, in my defense, the second one just recently came out.

Still have to read: Return to the Isle of the Lost

Seraphina by Rachel Hartman

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Thankfully, this is just a duology, which is pretty rare these days. Not that I don’t like longer series, but this will be much easier to cross off the list.

Still have to read: Shadowscale The Audition which is a short story

Legend by Marie Lu

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Still have to read: Prodigy, Champion

The Lunar Chronicles by Marissa Meyer

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Still have to read: Scarlet, Cress, Winter, Fairest, Stars Above and I’m pretty sure there are some other short stories.

Me Before You by Jojo Moyes

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Again, the sequel only just came out. So I don’t feel too bad about this, but I’m putting it here for posterity.

Still have to read: After You

Percy Jackson and the Olympians by Rick Riordan

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I only currently own books 3 and 4 in the series, and again, so annoyed that they’re not only different formats, but different cover editions. I’m probably going to end up buying a box-set of these.

Still have to read: The Last Hero The Demigod Files

The Chronicles of St Mary’s by Jodi Taylor

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This is a really long one, but I really loved the first book, so at this point, I do want to continue reading it. How many of them I will actually read remains to be seen. I have also listened to one of the novellas – The Very First Damned Thing – on audible.

Still have to read: A Symphony of Echoes, A Second Chance, A Trail Through Time, No Time Like the Past, What Could Possibly Go Wrong, Lies, Damned Lies and History + novellas

Daughter of Smoke and Bone by Laini Taylor

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It really annoys me that, not only do I have them in two different formats, but I also have two different cover editions.

Still have to read: Dreams of Gods and Monsters + short stories

The 5th Wave by Rick Yancey

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I haven’t seen the film either. I’ve heard mixed reviews about it though, so I’m not sure whether to watch it at all.

Still have to read: The Infinite Sea, The Last Star



Okay, this post is way too long, so I’ll have to do this in parts. Part two coming soon.

Tally this far: 10 series, 19 books + countless novellas and short stories